

Karteikarten am comparativos , erstellt von Alexis Saul Lopez Zapet am 02/03/2022.
Alexis Saul Lopez Zapet
Karteikarten von Alexis Saul Lopez Zapet, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alexis Saul Lopez Zapet
Erstellt von Alexis Saul Lopez Zapet vor fast 3 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Comparatives Comparisons are used to compare a person or object in a group
How to use comparisons? is embrea as follows: Noun (subject) + verb + adjective in comparative degree + than+ noun (object).
What are the rules of the comparison? Rules for forming the comparative and superlative in English In English, most adjectives are added an 'er' at the end to form the comparative and 'est' to form the superlative. If the adjective ends in 'e', only an 'r' is added for the comparative and 'st' for the superlative:
the difference between comparatives and superlatives The comparative is used in English to compare differences between the two objects it modifies. The superlative is used to describe an object that lies at the upper or lower end of a quality.
Example of comparisons in English Aziel is taller than Ariel. Mauricio is small, but Alfredo is smaller. He's bigger than me. Elena is nicer than Cissnei Elena is hot, but Cissnei is hotter. Williams Molina is ugly, but Mauricio is handsome.
below is a table that serves as a reference
comparative exercises in English 1. house is (high) than the television tower. higher
2.The journey is almost as (long) by car as it is by train. long
3.She is (happy) with her new job than with her old one. happier
4.Some of the (intelligent) people have studied at this university most intelligent
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