L1 - basic vocabulary


Karteikarten am L1 - basic vocabulary , erstellt von FSI Slovenian am 11/05/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Karteikarten von FSI Slovenian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Erstellt von FSI Slovenian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
abeceda (f) alphabet
ali "do" as a question forming phrase
beseda (f) word
biti, sem (imp.) to be, I am (imp.)
črka (f) letter
črkovati, črkujem (imp.) to spell (imp.)
dan (m) day
dekle (n) maiden, girl
delati, delam (imp.) to do, to work (imp.)
diplomat (m) diplomat (m)
diplomatka (f) diplomat (f)
dober, dobra, dobro (adj) good (adj)
dovoliti, dovolim (perf.) to permit (perf.)
ednina (f) singular
enak, enaka, enako the same (adj)
fant (m) boy, fellow
gospa (f) madam, Mrs., lady
gospod (m) mister, Mr., gentleman
govor (m) language, speech
govoriti, govorim (imp.) to speak (imp.)
hiter, hitra, hitro quick, fast (adj)
hvala thanks
ime (n) (first) name
in and
ja/ne yes, no
jaz I
jutro (n) morning
kaj what
kako how
kasneje later
kdo who
knjiga (f) book
kosilo (n) lunch
lep, lepa, lepo nice, beautiful
letalo (n) airplane
mesto (n) city
moj, moja, moje my
narodnost (f) nationality
nasvidenje goodby
nov, nova, novo new
novinar (m) journalist (m)
novinarka (f) journalist (f)
odgovoriti, odgovorim (perf.) to answer (perf.)
okno (n) window
on he
ona she
ono it
oprostiti, oprostim (perf.) to excuse (perf.) to excuse (perf.)
otrok (m) child
pisatelj (m) writer
pisateljica (f) writer (f)
počasen, počasna, počasno slow (adj)
počasi slowly slowly
poklic (m) occupation, profession
pomeniti, pomenim (perf.) to mean (perf.)
ponoviti, ponovim (perf.) to repeat (perf.)
posloviti se, poslovim se (perf.) to say goodbye (perf.)
pozdraviti, pozdravim (perf.) to greet (perf.)
pozdrav (m) greeting
predstaviti se, predstavim se (perf.) to introduce oneself (perf.)
priimek (m) last name
prosim response to thank you; Don't mention it. You are welcome!
prositi, prosim (imp.) to ask (imp.)
razumeti, razumem (imp.) to understand (imp.)
sedaj now
seveda of course
sin (m) son
slovar (m) dictionary
Slovenec (m) Slovenian (m),
Slovenka (f) Slovenian (f)
slovenski, slovenska, slovensko Slovenian, Slovene (adj)
svinčnik (m) pencil
tajnik (m) secretary (m)
tajnica (f) secretary (f)
ti you (informal singular)
tisk (m) press
tiskovni, tiskovna, tiskovno (of ) press (adj)
to this that
torej so
učitelj (m) teacher (m)
učiteljica (f) teacher (f)
večer (m) evening
veleposlanik (m) ambassador (m)
veleposlanica (f) ambassador (f)
velik, velika, veliko big
vi you (formal singular, plural)
za for
zanimiv, zanimiva, zanimivo interesting
zgodovinar (m) male historian
zgodovinarka (f) female historian
znati, znam (perf.) to know how to (perf.)
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