Unit 04_Speaking for Fluency__Berapa harga + noun +yang + adjective__ - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Speaking for Fluency) Karteikarten am Unit 04_Speaking for Fluency__Berapa harga + noun +yang + adjective__ - Sheet1, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Berapa harga mobil yang hitam itu? How much is the price of the black car?
Berapa harga rumah yang besar itu? How much is the price of the big house?
Berapa harga makanan Cina yang pedas itu? How much is the price of the spicy Chinese food?
Berapa harga satu kilo apel yang merah itu? How much is the price of one kilo of red apples?
Berapa harga kemeja batik yang biru itu? How much is the price of the blue batik shirt?
Berapa harga mangga yang manis itu? How much is the price of the sweet mango?
Berapa harga tas kulit yang putih itu? How much is the price of the white leather bag?
Berapa harga lukisan yang indah itu? How much is the price of the beautiful painting?
Berapa harga jaket yang modis itu? How much is the price of the fashionable jacket?
Berapa harga mebel yang antik itu? How much is the price of the antique furniture?
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