Unit 04_Speaking for Fluency__Kalau_ for bargaining - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Speaking for Fluency) Karteikarten am Unit 04_Speaking for Fluency__Kalau_ for bargaining - Sheet1, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Kalau Rp. 10.000 boleh atau tidak? If ten thousand rupiahs, may you accept it or not?
Kalau Rp. 5.000 apa boleh? If five thousand rupiahs, may you accept it?
Kalau boleh, bagaimana Rp. 15.000? If you may, how about fifteen thousand rupiahs?
Kalau saya tawar, bagaimana? How about if I bargain?
Kalau saya tawar boleh atau tidak? If I bargain, may you accept my offer or not?
Kalau harganya turun sedikit, boleh atau tidak? If the price is lowered a little bit, may you accept my offer or not?
Kalau ditawar, apa boleh? May the price be bargained?
Kalau harganya kurang sedikit, bagaimana? How about if the priced is reduced a little bit?
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