Unit 4 Latihan Dialog 3 _In a Department Store_ - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Sample of Dialogues) Karteikarten am Unit 4 Latihan Dialog 3 _In a Department Store_ - Sheet1, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Orang Amerika: Boleh saya tanya, di mana tempat menjual bingkai foto? American: May I ask you a question, is there a place that sells picture frames?
Penjaga Toko: Oh... itu di bagian barang-barang Seni, di lantai tiga, kalau naik eskalator di sebelah kiri. Store keeper: Oh, those will be in the art section, on the third floor. If you take the escalator, it will be on the left hand side.
Orang Amerika: Lantai tiga di sebelah kiri, terima kasih. Bisa bayar pakai kartu kredit kan? American: Third floor on the left hand side. Thank you. I can pay using credit card, can't I?
Penjaga Toko: Ya bisa, jangan khawatir! Store keeper: Yes, you can. Don't worry.
Orang Amerika: Baiklah, ...oh satu lagi, tempat sepatu pria, apa di lantai ini? American: Alright. Oh, one one thing. The section for men's shoes, are they on this floor?
Penjaga Toko: Tidak Bu, itu di lantai dua di bagian pakaian pria. Store keeper: No, Madam. That is on the second floor in the men's clothing department.
Orang Amerika: Terima kasih. American: Thank you.
Penjaga Toko: Sama-sama. Store keeper: You are welcome.
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