Croatian_Unit 5_Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian_Unit 5_Day 3, erstellt von FSI Croatian am 27/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
došla sam na kavu I came for a coffee
kao što ste rekli as you said
više nego što trebam more than I need
na desno to the right
spavaća soba bedroom
ravno straight
kupaonica bathroom
na lijevo to the left
dnevni boravak living room
kuhinja kitchen
pogled na park view of the park
hodnik hallway
pijete li do you drink
želim probati tursku kavu I want to try Turkish coffee
problem problem
nema problema (there is) no problem
Želite li kavu s mlijekom? Do you want coffee with milk?
malo mlijeka a little bit of milk
radi se o korupciji it is about corruption
molim vas please
ako može if possible
dizalo elevator
prozori windows
ima garažu it has a garage
besplatno parkiranje free parking
u centru grada in the center of the city
nema mjesta there is no space
dućan store
frizer, frizerka hairdresser
ljekarna pharmacy
kemijska čistionica dry cleaners
blizu close to
ići javnim prijevozom to go by public transportation
bogu iza nogu far away
gužva u prometu traffic jam
htjela sam Vas pitati I wanted to ask you
poznajete li...? do you know...?
voli biti od pomoći he/she likes to help
ispod njegovog stana below his apartment
ne sjećam se imena I do not remember the name
iznad mojeg stana above my apartment
on je iznajmio he rented
poznajem čovjeka I know a man
jutro morning
ujutro in the morning
prošli tjedan last week
povezan s related to, associated with
prazan, prazna empty
stanovati to live, inhabit, dwell
on stanuje he lives
donositi / donijeti to bring
opasno dangerous
sigurnost (f.) security
umiješan, umiješana u involved in, mixed up in
prekasno too late
dolaziti / doći to come
ulaziti / ući to enter
on ulazi he is entering
izlaziti / izaći to exit
ona izlazi she is exiting
čekati to wait
mirno spavati to sleep well (peacefully)
Laku noć! Good night!
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