French - English 4.1 At a Reception (List 2)


ILR Languages (French Express) Karteikarten am French - English 4.1 At a Reception (List 2), erstellt von Kristen Walters am 14/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Karteikarten von Kristen Walters, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Erstellt von Kristen Walters vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
call me appelez-moi
to know, to make acquaintance connaître
true [adj.] vrai [adj.] [m.]
it’s true c'est vrai
to have to falloir
formal formel
appreciate apprécier
object [n.] objet, l’
artifacts objet d'art
since comme
advisor conseillère, la
to put in one’s care confier à
them les (pronom objet)
I put them in your care je te les confie
to have just (immediate past) venir de
you have just arrived vous venez d'arriver
just juste [adj.] [adv.]
just three months ago il y a juste trois mois
to discover découvrir
we are discovering nous découvrons
mostly, above all, especially surtout
to imagine imaginer
already déjà
the center le centre
national national
to visit visiter
to intend to, to plan, to count on compter
we count on going there soon nous comptons y aller bientôt
sister-in-law belle-soeur, la
son fils, le
to recommend recommander
highly vivement
stop by and see me passez me voir
when quand
you will be serez
several plusieurs
shop [n.] ateliers [m.]
to promise promettre
we promise nous promettons
to drink boire
something quelque chose
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