Serbian Basic Course Unit 2 Day 4 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian Karteikarten am Serbian Basic Course Unit 2 Day 4 Latinic , erstellt von FSI Serbian am 25/07/2022.
FSI Serbian
Karteikarten von FSI Serbian, aktualisiert vor etwa 2 Monate
FSI Serbian
Erstellt von FSI Serbian vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
šalje sends
slati to send
prima receives
primati to receive
predmet m. subject
osnovna škola elementary school
srednja škola high school
pomoć f. help
lakše easier
ataše za kulturu cultural attaché
karijerni diplomata career diplomat
preseliti se to move, to relocate
završiti to finish, to complete
međunarodni international
međunarodni odnosi international relations
poslediplomske studije post graduate studies
pravo n. law
zaposliti se to get a job
mali, -a, -o small, little
pravnica f. lawyer (female)
otac m. father
majka f. mother
sestra f. sister
dvadeset osam twenty-eight
u toku during
oblast f. area, field
kultura f. culture
iz oblasti kulture from the culture field
Kako ide? How goes it?
nekako somehow
trebati have to, need to, ought to
dakle so, then, consequently
još still, yet, as yet
neko someone
bolničarka f. nurse
molim... please...
ime n. first name
prezime n. last name
značiti to mean
zaista really, indeed, in fact, truly
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