French - English Vie civique - Bavardons List 1


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) Karteikarten am French - English Vie civique - Bavardons List 1, erstellt von Kristen Walters am 25/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Karteikarten von Kristen Walters, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Erstellt von Kristen Walters vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
by show of hands à main levée
about, concerning à propos de
academy académie (une)
to accompany accompagner
agreement accord (un)
to adopt adopter
food, nourishment alimentation (une)
Germany Allemagne (l') (f.)
ally allié (un), alliée (une)
alternate alternatif, alternative
ambitious ambitieux, ambitieuse
England Angleterre (l')
to belong appartenir
to apply, to implement appliquer
architecture architecture (une)
Argentina Argentine (l') (f.)
stop arrêt (un)
assassination assassinat (un)
assembly, gathering assemblée (une)
infringement atteinte (une)
no, none, any aucun(e)
daring, bold, audacious audacieux, audacieuse
Australia Australie (l') (f.)
authoritarian autoritaire
authority autorité (une)
once (upon a time), before autrefois
Austria Autriche (l') (f.)
to move forward, to progress, to advance avancer
adventure aventure (une)
to have a hard time avoir du mal
Bostonian bostonien(ne)
Brazil Brésil (le)
British britannique
van, small truck camionnette (une)
catastrophe catastrophe (une)
it's a pity c'est dommage
charity charité (une)
charter charte (une)
China Chine (la)
choice choix (un)
colleague collègue (un/e)
Colombia Colombie (la)
colonizer colonisateur (un)
commentary commentaire (un)
to concede concéder
concerning, regarding, about concernant
conclusion conclusion (une)
trust confiance (une)
congregation congrégation (une)
known, well-known connu(e) [connaître]
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