Module 3: Perform post-installation configuration of Windows Server > Unit: Configure a server with answer files


Karteikarten am Module 3: Perform post-installation configuration of Windows Server > Unit: Configure a server with answer files, erstellt von Rick Schoenman am 06/08/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Karteikarten von Rick Schoenman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Erstellt von Rick Schoenman vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are answer files? Answer files are .xml files that are used to customize and automate the deployment of Windows
Can you create answer files in a text editor? Yes, this is possible, however this is very challenging. Usually the Windows SIM tool is used.
In which 2 sections are answer files organized? - Components - Packages
What are answer file components? Contains settings and configurations that the answer file applies These are further divided in 7 phases
What are answer file packages? Defines which Windows Features are enabled
Name the 7 configuration phases in the answer file components section 1. WindowsPE 2. OfflineServicing 3. Generalize 4. Specialize 5. AuditSystem 6. AuditUser 7. OobeSystem
In which answer file configuration phase are post-installation configurations mainly done? The Specialize phase
In which tool can answer files be made? The Windows System Image Manager (SIM)
Of which software suite is Windows SIM part of? Windows Assesment and Deployment Kit (ADK)
Which file has to be loaded into Windows SIM? The install.wim file
Where can you find the install.wim file? In the /sources directory of a Windows Server product DVD
Which 2 actions are required to let Windows Setup find the answer file automaticallu during installation? - Name the answer file Autounattend.xml - Place the file in the root of the removable storage
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