Erstellt von Niina Katariina
vor mehr als 2 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Bring some type of small gift, such as flowers, a dessert, or wine, if you are invited to someone's home. | Keep your hands above the table when eating. |
Wait for your host or hostess to tell you where you can seat or be, before sitting down. | Never point or beckon with your hand to people or places. It is considered rude. |
Do not openly discuss politics, unless you are close friends with someone, and even then, tread carefully. | Chileans will often prioritize people and relationships rather than strict time frames. Showing to an event half an hour after the designated time is quite common. |
It is common for people to visit each other without prior warning. | Refusing to attend a visiting relative or missing a family gathering without an excuse can cause great offence. |
Refusing a drink while eating is considered impolite. | Never click or snap your fingers to or at anyone |
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