BC L12 V1 - Holidays and Festivals


Basic Cantonese Lesson 12 Video 2 Vocab
SLS  Cantonese
Karteikarten von SLS Cantonese, aktualisiert vor 11 Monate
SLS  Cantonese
Erstellt von SLS Cantonese vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
BC L12 V1: Two Colleagues talking about Hong Kong Public Holidays and Vacation
long chèuhng 長
a long vacation chèuhng ga kèih 長假期
in and out chēut yahp 出入
visa chìm jing 簽証
traditional festivals chyùhn túng jit yaht 傳統節日
employees dá gūng jái 打工仔
HKSAR Dahk Kēui 特區
HKSAR passport Dahk Kēui wuh jiu 特區護照
place; space deih fòng 地方
Buddha's Birthday Faht Daan 佛誕
Easter Fuhk Wuht Jit 復活節
holiday ga kèih 假期
simple gáan dāan 簡單
this year gàm nìhn 今年
After 1997 Gáu Chāt hauh 九七後
air ticket gèi piu 機票
public gùng jung 公眾
public holiday gùng jung ga kèih 公眾假期
National Day Gwok Hing Yaht 國慶日
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hèung Góng Dahk Biht Hàhng Jing Kēui 香港特別行政區
happy hòi sàm 開心
hold jà 揸
holding jà jyuh 揸住
around; vicinity jāu wàih 周圍
measure word jèung 張
festival jit yaht 節日
do work, job jouh gùng 做工
religious jùng gaau 宗教
thanks in advance m4 gòi sìn 唔該先
the night plane máahn gèi 晚機
exempt míhn 免
visa exemption míhn chìm jing 免簽証
Australia Ou Jāu 澳洲
October 1 sahp yuht yāt yaht 十月一日
western sài fòng 西方
Identity Card Sàn Fán Jing 身份證
although sèui yìhn 雖然
time (when) sìh hauh 時候
close to that (number) sìhng (sèhng) 成
Establishment Day Sìhng Laahp Géi NihmYaht 成立紀念日
to visit taam 探
head and tail; beginning and end tàuh tàuh méih méih 頭頭尾尾
passport wuh jiu 護照
Travel Permit Card Wùih Hèung Jing 回鄉証
early in the morning yāt jóu 一早
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