Intro to government


10th grade American Government (Quarter 1) Karteikarten am Intro to government, erstellt von Sally V. am 19/09/2022.
Sally V.
Karteikarten von Sally V., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sally V.
Erstellt von Sally V. vor mehr als 2 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is government Political system by which a group of people are ruled
2 major functions Creating & enforcing laws & Provide leadership, protection, & services for citizens
GOVERNMENT GOALS Provide services for citizens & guarantee rights of citizens
Public safety examples Law enforcement, firefighting & emergency response
Public welfare examples Education, health inspections & public assistance
GOVERNMENT SERVICES: ECONOMY Building roads, power systems, etc. Regulate industry & trade, setting wage & safety rules
RIGHTS OF CITIZENS Freedom of expression & religion, Freedom of life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness, & fair & equal treatment for all citizens under law
2 OTHER TYPES OF GOVERNMENT Communism & monarchy
What does communism do? Serve the collective good of all citizens & promote equality
What does monarchy do? Serve the interests of a royal family & promote stability
What is a constitutional democracy? System of government in which the structure is set out in a written constitution
US GOVERNMENT People give government authority & laws limit government power
Federal system is divided into 3 branches Legislative, executive & judicial branch
What is federal government Central government of the US
State governments run each state, but must Obey federal laws
Local governments run cities, towns, & counties, but must Obey state laws
They all obey the Constitution
What does the legislative branch do? Makes law
What does the executive branch do? Carries law
What does the judicial branch do? Interprets law
Civic participation Voting & influencing policy
Policy meaning Plan of action taken by government to achieve a goal
Candidates try to win the support of Voters
Elections are used to choose Representatives
Large elections can be decided by A few votes
PUBLIC POLICIES Economic, foreign, & social policies
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