Erstellt von Madison Ho
vor mehr als 2 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Food Web | Model shows interconnected food chains & pathways in which energy flows through a group of organisms |
Biomass | Total mass of living matter @ each trophic level-decreases @ each level |
Matter | Anything that takes up space & has mass-provides nutrients for organisms to function |
Nutrient | Chemical substance an organism must obtain from its environment |
Biogeochemical Cycle | Exchange of matter through the biosphere |
Nitrogen Fixation | Nitrogen gas is converted to ammonium before it can be used by plants & animals |
Ecological Fixation | Change occurs in an ecosystem when 1 community replaces another as result of changing abiotic & biotic factors |
Primary Succession | Community established in area of exposed rocks that doesn't have a topsoil |
Secondary Succession | Orderly & predictable change that takes place after community of organisms has been removed but the soil remains |
Climax Community | Stable, mature community that results when there's little change in the composition of species |
Weather | Condition of atmosphere @ specific time & place |
Latitude | Distance of any point on the Earth's N & S equators |
Climate | Average weather conditions in an area, includes temp. & precipitation |
Population Density | 1 characteristic of a population |
Dispersion | Pattern of spacing of a population within an area |
Density-Dependent Factor | Biotic factors such as predation, disease, competition, & parasites |
Density-Independent Factor | Abiotic factors that include natural weather prob. |
Carrying Capacity | Maximum # of individuals in a species that an environment can support in long term |
Biodiversity | Variety of life in an area that's determined by the # of diff. species in the area |
Overexploitation | 1 factor increasing the current rate of extinction of a species |
Exponential Growth | Occurs when population size increases dramatically over period of time |
Logistic Growth | Population begins w/ period of slow growth followed by brief period of exponential growth before leveling off @ stable size |
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