The Tang and Song Dynasties (China) Flashcards


Karteikarten am The Tang and Song Dynasties (China) Flashcards, erstellt von ccarselle am 18/10/2015.
Karteikarten von ccarselle, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ccarselle vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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tributary states (ex: Tibet, Korea, Vietnam) states that remained self-governing but their rulers had to acknowledge Chinese supremacy and pay tribute to the emperor
land reform a system in which Tang emperors broke up large agricultural land holdings and redistributed the land to peasants. This strengthened the central government by weakening the power of large landowners.
gentry a wealthy landowning class that valued learning more than physical labor. They supported a revival of Confucian thought
dowry the payment a woman brings to a marriage. She is unable to keep the dowry or remarry. (not always money, could be clothes for the woman) Enforced that men were valued more than women
Li Bo a very great Tang poet. He moved about to many places and wrote around 2,000 poems celebrating harmony with nature or lamenting the passage of time.
Tang Taizong A brilliant general, government reformer, historian, and master of the calligraphy brush. He became China's most admired emperor
Wu Zhao a FEMALE empress of the Tang dynasty who ruthlessly took power into her own hands. She had risen to a position of influence from a very low position.
Tang dynasty a dynasty that resorted China to its earlier glory (the way it was during the Han dynasty) they issued land reform, had tributary states, and had a female empress
Li Yuan A general under the Sui dynasty who, when the Sui started to deteriorate, he and his son lead a revolt and crushed rivals to establish the Tang dynasty.
Song dynasty They ruled slightly longer than the Tang and started foot binding. They had scholar gentries and paper money
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