Andean Cultures


Karteikarten am Andean Cultures, erstellt von Katelynn M am 20/10/2015.
Katelynn M
Karteikarten von Katelynn M, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katelynn M
Erstellt von Katelynn M vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
El Lanzón Chavin Early Horizon 1200-200 BCE
Portrait Vessel Moche Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE-500CE
Lord with a Feline Moche Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE-500CE
Mantle with Bird Impersonators Paracas Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE-500 CE
Bridge-Spout Vessel Nazca Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE-500 CE
Tumi knife with Sicán deity Sican Late Intermediate Period 1000-1460 CE
kero Sican Late Intermediate Period 1000-1460 CE
Quipu Inca Late Horizon Period 1460-1533 CE
Hummingbird geoglyph Nazca Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE- 500 CE
Earspool from Sipán, Moche Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE- 500 CE
Boulder masonry Inca Late Horizon Period 1460-1533 CE
Machu Picchu Inca Late Horizon Period 1460-1533 CE
Royal Tunic Inca Late Horizon Period 1460-1533 CE
Silver llama Inca Late Horizon Period 1460-1533 CE
ashlar (smooth) masonry vs. boulder (polygonal) masonry diagrams ashlar (smooth) masonry vs. boulder (polygonal) masonry diagrams
Raimondi Stone Chavín Early Horizon Period 1200-200 BCE
Mantle with Oculate Being, Paracas Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE -500 CE
Deck-Figure and Fineline Painting Vessel, Moche Early Intermediate Period 200 BCE- 500 CE
Sun Gate, Wari-Tiwanaku Middle Horizon Period 500-1000 CE
Standing Musician Effigy Vessel Sicán Late Intermediate Period 1000-1460 CE
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