Erstellt von Matthew Evans
vor etwa 2 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Accounting Information System | A system that records, processes, reports, and communicates the results of business transactions to provide financial and non-financial information for decision-making purposes. |
Composite Primary Key | A special case of a primary key that exists in linking tables. The composite primary key is made up of the two primary keys in the table that it is linking. |
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System | An information system for managing all interactions between the company and its current and potential customers. |
Data Dictionary | Centralized repository of descriptions for all of the data attributes of the dataset. |
Data Request Form | A method for obtaining data if you do not have access to obtain the data directly yourself. |
Descriptive Attributes | Attributes that exist in relational databases that are neither primary nor foreign keys. These attributes provide business information, but are not required to build a database. An example would be “Company Name” or “Employee Address.” |
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) | Also known as Enterprise Systems, a category of business management software that integrates applications from throughout the business (such as manufacturing, accounting, finance, human resources, etc.) into one system. |
ETL | The extract, transform, and load process that is integral to mastering the data. |
Flat File | A means of storing data in one place, such as in an Excel spreadsheet, as opposed to storing the data in multiple tables, such as in a relational database. |
Foreign Key | An attribute that exists in relational databases in order to carry out the relationship between two tables. This does not serve as the “unique identifier” for each record in a table. These must be identified when mastering the data from a relational database in order to extract the data correctly from more than one table. |
Human Resource Management (HRM) System | An information system for managing all interactions between the company and its current and potential employees. |
Mastering the Data | The second step in the IMPACT cycle; it involves identifying and obtaining the data needed for solving the data analysis problem, as well as cleaning and preparing the data for analysis. |
Primary Key | An attribute that is required to exist in each table of a relational database and serves as the “unique identifier” for each record in a table. |
Relational Database | A means of storing data in order to ensure that the data are complete, not redundant, and to help enforce business rules. Relational databases also aid in communication and integration of business processes across an organization. |
Supply Chain Management (SCM) System | An information system that helps manage all the company’s interactions with suppliers. |
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