Pro Tools Shortcuts


none of your damn business sell this worthless data I dare you Karteikarten am Pro Tools Shortcuts, erstellt von Ari Phillips am 31/01/2023.
Ari Phillips
Karteikarten von Ari Phillips, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ari Phillips
Erstellt von Ari Phillips vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Import Session Data Shift+Option+i
Make a New Playlist (Selected Tracks) Control+/
Make a Duplicate Playlist (Selected Tracks) Shift+Command+Option+/
Make a Duplicate Track (Selected Tracks) Command+D
Turn On/Off Click Track 7 (Numeric Pad)
Show the Large Counter Command + 3
Show Memory Location (markers) =.[marker #].
Insert Marker Shift+M
Go to Previous Marker Shift+Command+M
Mute Selected Tracks Shift+M
Solo Selected Tracks Shift+S
Record Arm Selected Tracks F7
Open a New Session Command+N
Save a Session Command+S
Turn On/Off QuickPunch Command+Shift+P (or 6 on the numeric pad)
Create New Track Shift+Command+N
Choose Track Type (Audio, aux, etc) Command+up/down arrows
Choose Number of Channels Per Track (mono/Stereo) Command+Left/Right
Create more than one track in new track window (5 mono, 2 stereo 3 aux) Shift+Command+Down/Up
Turn On Smart Tool Command+7
Move Playhead Backwards or Forward by one bar 1 and 2 (number pad)
Zoom in/Out Horizontally R = in T = Out
Change Height of Selected Tracks Control+Option+Up/Down Arrow
Create Group Command+G
Split Track B
Turn On Keyboard Focus Command+Option+1
Jump to Bar/Time =.[bar/time#].
Fit All Tracks to Screen Control+Option+Command+Up arrow
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