L13 Phrases


FSI Basic Slovene Karteikarten am L13 Phrases, erstellt von FSI Slovenian am 09/02/2023.
FSI Slovenian
Karteikarten von FSI Slovenian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Erstellt von FSI Slovenian vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Izvolite! Go ahead! Here you are!
Naj se vrnem k svoji prošnji. Let me get back to my request.
Moja najljubša glasba je jazz. My favorite music is jazz.
Koncerti niso razprodani v abonmajih. Concerts are not sold out in subscriptions.
Ne skrbite! Don't worry!
Ne, nisem še slišala zanj. No, I haven' t heard about it.
Brez vas ne bi bili dobili kart. Without you we wouldn't have gotten the tickets.
Če so karte še na voljo, bi jih lahko povabili na koncert. If tickets are still available, we could invite them to the concert.
Treba je samo telefonirati na blagajno filharmonije in rezervirati karte. It only need to be called to the box-office of the philharmony and reserved the tickets.
Pogosto so vstopnice že razprodane. Tickets are often already sold out.
Povabljeni gosti šele v Mariboru sestavijo program koncerta. Invited solists put together the program for concert after the arrival to Maribor.
Na dan koncerta so mladini na voljo karte po znižani ceni. On the day of the concert the tickets at the discounted prices are available for the youth.
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