Medicine and surgery keywords


Karteikarten am Medicine and surgery keywords, erstellt von Munchi X am 25/10/2015.
Munchi X
Karteikarten von Munchi X, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Munchi X
Erstellt von Munchi X vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Bloodletting Bloodletting - Drawing blood from patient by doctor
Dissection - Cutting open body to examine internal structure
Four Humours - Explanation for illness: imbalance of humours (developed in Ancient Greece)
Latrine - Used as public toilet
Medieval - Middle Ages: between Ancient world and Renaissance period
Physician - Trained doctor
Public health - Standard of living conditions and general health of people
Purging - To get rid of bad or excess humours through purposely making someone be sick or have diarrhoea
Surgeon - Deals with wounds or treatment that involves cutting the body
Supernatural - Forces outside nature that people believe affects events e.g. God, charms and luck, witchcraft or astrology
Society - Way a group of people link together in common ways
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