Plot Study Cards


Karteikarten am Plot Study Cards, erstellt von Jennifer Pixley am 08/09/2023.
Jennifer Pixley
Karteikarten von Jennifer Pixley, aktualisiert vor 11 Monate
Jennifer Pixley
Erstellt von Jennifer Pixley vor etwa ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
-The turning point or most exciting/intense part of the story. The main character will think of ways to solve the problem. The main character will change in some way. climax
The story comes to a reasonable ending. resolution
The characters, setting, and main problem are introduced. exposition
The event that starts the rising action and the tension in the story.- (an event that forces the main character to take action) initiating action
The conflict is beginning to be solved. The action is dying down. falling action
A building of interest or suspense occurs. The problem becomes more complicated. rising action
The character(s) that are the opposing force, (cause the problem(s)), for the main character. antagonist
The problem in the story. There could be more than one. conflict
The main character in a story. It is usually the “good guy,” but sometimes the villain. protagonist
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