Gender Bias - Alpha


A level Psychology (Issues and Debates) Karteikarten am Gender Bias - Alpha, erstellt von Anais Terrell am 26/10/2023.
Anais Terrell
Karteikarten von Anais Terrell, aktualisiert vor 11 Monate
Anais Terrell
Erstellt von Anais Terrell vor 11 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Gender Bias (I&D) A01 Alpha Bias - the exaggeration in the differences between men and women, often times this has negative effects for women (can also effect men) an example of this is Freud. Stated women weren't able to fully integrate their superego - underdeveloped and morally weaker than men. Evaluation A03 - P - Gender Differences are often shown as fixed when they are not. E - Maccoby and Jacklin presented that girls had greater verbal ability and boys have better spatial ability. E - Joel et. al did research there is actually nothing that supports this, biologically. It just leads to stereotypes. L - Suggesting that we should be cautious about accepting research as biological facts
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