Croatian Unit 3 Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian Unit 3 Day 3 , erstellt von FSI Croatian am 27/12/2023.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor etwa ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
tema topic. theme
prijam official event, gathering, party
prisustvuju they are present, they are attending
pozdraviti to say hello
prošli tjedan last week
Recite nam nešto o sebi. Tell us something about yourself.
sljedeći tjedan next week
područje domain, area, territory
Da počnemo! Let’s start!
organizirati to organize
Američka gospodarska komora American Chamber of Commerce
postati to become
stažirati to do a practicum, internship
steći radno iskustvo to gain work experience
unaprijediti to advance
suradnja cooperation
savjetnik, savjetinca consultant, counselor
poduzetništvo entrepreneurship
predstavnik, predstavnica representative
za civilno društvo for civil society
potpisati to sign
ugovor an agreement (written)
suradjivati to cooperate
pomagati to help
promicati to promote
suvremen modern
jačanje strengthening
prava žena women's rights
To je sve za danas. This is all for today.
boriti se to fight
naći to find
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ähnlicher Inhalt

A bit of a troublemaker (text in the book)
Tin Petrunić
Nana Ikšić
Nana Ikšić
Irregular plurals
Nana Ikšić
Povijest 3.1
Daria Zafote
Voci Unit 10
Vetie - Allgemeine Pathologie
Fioras Hu
Vetie: Virofragen 2016
Johanna Tr
AVO 2017
steff Müller