Music symbols


Introduction to music notation.
Sarah Egan
Karteikarten von Sarah Egan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sarah Egan
Erstellt von Sarah Egan vor mehr als 9 Jahre
1 2 3 4 5 (42)

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Stave/Staff 5 horizontal lines and 4 spaces, representing pitch
Ledger Lines Used to extend the stave
Bar Line Used to separate units of time
Double Bar Line Used to separate sections of a music passage, e.g. before a key change or a chorus
Bold Double Bar Line End of movement or composition
Dotted/Dashed Bar Line Subdivides time into shorter segments
Bracket Connects two lines of music that play at the same time, e.g. two different instuments
Brace Connects two or more staves
Treble Clef (g)
C Clef
F Clef (Bass)
Neutral Clefs (when there is no pitch)
Octave Clef
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3 Kommentare

about 8 years ago
Thank you I got an 100 on my music exam
over 8 years ago
Glad you like it!
over 8 years ago
This is great! Thanks, keep at it

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