personality phrases


Karteikarten am personality phrases, erstellt von Oliver Jaan Trembos am 18/04/2024.
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Karteikarten von Oliver Jaan Trembos, aktualisiert vor 9 Monate
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Erstellt von Oliver Jaan Trembos vor 9 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
abrasive not caring
broad-minded tolerant
gullible overtrusting
placid not easily upset
self-effacing modest
shrewd bystrý
a real busybody too interested in other poeple
set in one's ways unwilling to experience something new
worn his heart on his sleeve show feelings clearly
down to earth to be realistic
to think one is God's gift have high opinion of oneself
his bark is worse than his bite less unpleasant than you seem
shrinking violet shy and quiet
the life and soul lively and entertaining
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