8L - Earth and Space


Key Stage 3 Sciences Karteikarten am 8L - Earth and Space, erstellt von Daisy Wootton am 13/05/2024.
Daisy Wootton
Karteikarten von Daisy Wootton, aktualisiert vor 5 Monate
Daisy Wootton
Erstellt von Daisy Wootton vor 5 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
why do we get seasons? the earth's tilt
what is the tilt of the earth in degrees? 23.5 degrees
what causes winter in the uk? when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun it is winter in the uk.
what causes summer in the uk? when the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun it is summer in the uk.
why does the sun feel warmer in summer? the sun is higher in the sky so the heat is more concentrated.
what is the definition of repel? when two magnets are pushed apart.
whats the definition of attract? when two magnets are pulled together
what is the definition of gravity? force exerted by all objects with mass trying to pull other objects towards it.
what is the definition of weight? the force of gravity pulling on you. measured in Newtons (N)
what is the formula for weight? weight = mass x g (acceleration of gravity)
what is the difference between a natural satellite and an artificial satellite? artificial satellites can be put into orbit around Earth for photographing / transmitting TV programs etc but natural satellites are already up there.
what is an example of a natural satellite? the moon
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