Erstellt von João Paulo Tinierz
vor 8 Monate
Frage | Antworten |
Mandibular symphysis, mental foramen, mandibular ramus, mandibular condyle, coronoid process, mandibular notch | |
Proximal, middle, distal phalanx | |
Acromial end, sternal end | |
Neck of femur, femoral head, greater torchanter, lesser torchanter, shaft of femur, medial and lateral condyles, intercondylar fossa | |
Trochlear notch, olecranon, coronoid process, radial notch, styloid process of ulna | |
Optic canal, superior orbital fissure, inferior orbital fissure, supraorbital foramen, infraorbital foramen | |
Pterion (image/png)
Coronal suture, squamous suture, sagital suture, lamboid suture |
Carpal bones | |
Vertebral foramen, spinous process, transverse process, body of vertebra c1: atlas and c2: axis, dens of axis | |
I, II, III, IV, V | |
Foramen magnum, occipital condyle | |
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Head, lateral mallcolus |
Manubrium, body of sternum, xiphoid process | |
I, II, III, IV, V | |
Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform | |
Crista galli, cribriform plate | |
Spine, acromion, coracoid process, glenoid cavity, suprapinous fossa, infrapinous fossa, subscapular fossa, suprascapular notch | |
Styloid process, mastoid process, zygomatic process, external auditory meatus, sella turcica, greater wing, lesser wing | |
Lateral and Medial condyles, tibial tuberosity, medial malleolus | |
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Ilium, ischium, pubis bone, pubic symphysis, iliac crest, iliac fossa, acetabulum, obturator foramen |
Head, neck of radius, ulnar notch, styloid process of radius | |
sella turcica, greater wing, lesser wing | |
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Greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, deltoid tuberosity, trochlea, olecranon fossa, coronoid fossa, capitulum, medial and lateral epicondyle |
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