Hitler- characteristics/ how effective as leader


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Role of Hitler Nazi Germany was one party state- Hitler was undisputed leader- after Hindenburg death 2nd Aug 1934- law concerning head of state of Reich combined posts of president and chancellor- Constitutionally Hitler was also commander in chief of all armed services
Führer Power According to leading Nazi theorist E.Huber: not state power- instead Führer power- all political power given to one individual - embraces all spheres of national life
While Führer power theory is a bit flawed No all embracing constitution in third Reich- Gov and law of Nazi Germany came about in haphazard fashion/ No way an individual could control all aspects of gov- Hitler still dependent on sympathetic subordinates to put policy decisions into effect/ Hitlers personality/ attitude not always helped with strong leadership
Hitler’s image Hitler appeared as charismatic and dynamic leader- magnetic command of audience allowed him to play on mass suggestion- portrayed himself as ordinary man with vision, willpower and determination to transform country but- this was image perpetuated by propoganda machine
Hitler’s true character Normally appeared before lunch- never left room before 2- spent most afternoons taking walks, watched films, disliked studying documents- let people tell him things he wanted to hear- anything else- rejected- refused to let himself be informed of the truth wasn’t what he wanted- if you wanted something doing just had to strike up a conversation with him- he’d agree then you’d sort it all out- Hitler not well educated- loathed paperwork- disliked formality of committees in which issues were discussed
Hitler’s indecisiveness Hitler wasn’t very decisive- role of cabinet declined rapidly after 1934- in 1933 met 72 times last cabinet meeting held in 1938- also rivalry between various party factions and state- many decisions made was due to whim of Hitler/ from informal conversation instead of clear cut chains of command.
Was Hitler effective dictator- Intentionalist interpretation Hitler played essential role in development of third Reich- division and confusion was result of deliberate policy of ‘divide and rule’ on the part of Hitler- successful in maintaining Führers political policy- made ‘big’ decisions and even though there were other power bases in Nazis- Hitler only tolerated key leading Nazis and hired/ fired those he could/ no longer could use
How effective was Hitler as dictator- structuralist interpretation Nazi regime evolved from pressure of circumstances- not Hitler's role- Hitler- ineffective leader- lacked direction/decision making
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