S&T Strand 3 Unit 1-2 Flashcards


6 science and technology Karteikarten am S&T Strand 3 Unit 1-2 Flashcards, erstellt von Luca Truen am 16/11/2015.
Luca Truen
Karteikarten von Luca Truen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Luca Truen
Erstellt von Luca Truen vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Electricity travels to our homes through - step up transformers - pylons - step down sub-stations - electricity boxes - wall sockets
Source where a thing comes from/starts
Device something that changes the electricity into output energy
Systems will not work without these three stages - source - device - output
Electrical circuits need these components - a source of energy - conducting material - device
Source for electricity can be... mains electricity or cell [or many cells such as battery]
Kettle heat
Light bulb light
Buzzer sound
Motor movement
When you connect all components it equals... system
If pathway is closed, it is... unbroken/complete [electricity flows] call this pathway a circuit
If pathway is open, it is... broken [electricity doesn't flow]
Circuit diagrams: Cell two lines, 1 short and 1 long
Circuit diagrams: Bulb X in circle
Circuit diagrams: Closed switch line with 2 dots
Circuit diagrams: in line fuse line with box, in box is amp value
Circuit diagrams: ammeter A in circle
Circuit diagrams: Voltmeter V in circle
Circuit diagrams: Electrical Motor M in a circle
Circuit diagrams: Direct current = in circle
Circuit diagrams: Alternating current ~ in circle
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