Vocabulario de ingles


Carreras en ingles
Karteikarten von martalarcon611, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von martalarcon611 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Contador Accountant The boss told us a bitter pill to swallow, the accountant is out.
Algo impactante Blockbuster The administratior climb the corporate ladder, this is blockbuster.
Tasa Rate It is increasing to a rate of 5%
Predecir Forecast The USA President forecast an increase in inflation
Aumento Rise This summer clothes´s price will rise unexpectedly
Continuo, Seguido In a row This earthquake went in a row after others
Compensar Offset the absence of computers is offset by the telephones
Alcanzar Reach The fuel price reached a level unthinkable
Objetivo Target The consumer prices index (CPI) reached the proposed target
Retirar, Quitar Strips out I think We should strips out that others can come in
Mantener Hold You have to hold the family quiet and happy
Núcleo Core this point is the core of the problem
Impulsar Boost We need to boost to others to make a change
En curso Ongoing the meeting is ongoing in this moment
Salario Wage He has to pay us a living wage
Perspectiva pesimista Dovish outlook Surely, they will take a dovish outlook about this point.
Ligeramente Slightly the business has fallen slightly
Ascendiente, hacia arriba Upward when I finished this project I think I could in the cooperate ladder, go upward
Descender Downward the fuel price could go downward this year
Tasa de Matricula Tuition Fees The University tuition fees is more expensive than last year
Algo que tiene mucho exito Booming The Carolina Herrera´s dress is booming
Banda Ancha Broadband USA has the best broadband in the world
Volumen, gran cantidad In Bulk To sell shoes, we need shoes in bulk
Seguro Secure The E- commerce is a secure site to buy anything you want
Genio de la tecnología Tech-savvy This man is a tech-savvy, because he know everything about computers, internet, windows, etc.
Explosión, estallido Burst This company created a social burst last year
Límite, frontera Boundaries There are no boundaries for our love
Enorme Huge This building is so huge
Tal como, semejante Such as This pizzeria is such as Domino´s Pizza
Periodo de tiempo que la economia esta muy bien Gold rush This year is gold rush
Experimentar Undergoing She is undergoing a change in her life
Espacio para colocar productos Shelf space This shop has many full shelf spaces
Proliferación (Aumento repentino e inesperado) Proliferation we must not allow the proliferation of nuclear weapons
Presentir My gut tells me today will rain, my gut tells me
Trabajar menos Scale back one´s hours this company allows its employees scale back one´s hours
Prioritario Fast track a project this company needs end the avenue, this is fast track a project now
Balde de agua fria Thow could water over that news hit me like thow could water over
Entrar en la realidad Reality check the boss needs reality check
Enfrentar un problema Face the music i don´t want to know about him, but first I have to face the music
Manter algo en secreto "Mum´s the word" or "keep somethig of the wrap" If I tell us this, we have to keep this of the wrap
Negocio rentable Cash cow If we invest in a spare part`s business, we would win a lot of money, because it is cash cow
Ganar Puntos Brownie points Every morning, she brings coffe to the boss, she is a brownie point.
"Si no arriesgas, no ganas" Nothing ventured, nothing gained This material is expensive, but if nothing ventured, nothing gained
Mundo agresivo Dog eat dogd world
Dejar para ultima hora Work down to the wine I had to deliver this work yesterday, but I work down to the wine always
Venta agresiva The hard sell In this moment every sell will be the hard sell, for the situation
Algo caro, pero bueno At a premium This kitchen is expensive, but it is at a premium
Aventajarse, Adelantarse Jump the gun this employee is jumping the gun to the others
Detener algo Pull the plug this building is wrong , it must pull the plug
Algo que esta por las nubes (costoso) Through the roof that coffe machine is through the roof
Activarse Drum up business We need drum up business
Beneficio a partir de algo cash in on they cash in on this, because they thought in big when they started their business
Trago amargo, mala noticia Bitter pill to shallow His Father died, this news was bitter pill shallow for me
Motivar a los empleados To rally the troops the boos always rallys the troops.
Periodo en el que se esta mal Crunch time The administratior said the company is in crunch time
Avanzar, Ascender en la carrera Climb the corporate ladder She is a good profetional, she climb the corporate ladder so fast
Mantenerse enfocado en la meta Keep one´s eye one the price Nothing distracts him, he keeps one´s eye one the price
Actualizado, a la moda Top of training They are excellent employees and they are topping of training always
Culpar a otro Pass the buck the boss passes the buck to us
Línea blanca White goods the kitchen is a product of white goods
Línea marrón Brown goods the phone is a product of brown goods
Línea roja Red goods Food belongs to products of red goods
Línea anaranjada Orange goods Shoes belong to things of orange goods
Línea amarilla Yellow goods Cars and houses are things of yellow goods
Obstáculos administrativos Red tape We need a credit card, but the bank has many red tapes
Insolvencia In the red She owe money to the bank, she is in the red
Solvente In the black He is a good pay, he is in the black with everyone
Ideas sin sentido, ilógicas Blue sky ideas A fleas´s house is a blue sky idea
Cuello blanco White-collar This manager is a white-collar employee
Clase obrera Blue-collar This employees are blue-collar
Secretaria, asistente Pink-collar She is a good worker, she is pink-collar
Empresario ecologista Green-collar They love environment, so they are green-collars
Algo que salió de la nada, sorpresa To come out of the blue She appears out of the blue
Cada uno Each We have to work together, but each has to do something
Opciones, salidas Outcomes He has many outcome to solve this problem, so he has to decide
Alcanzar, lograr Achieve Mcdonald´s achieved to climb the corporate ladder fastly
Testigo del Estado State Witness They need a state witness to testify for them
Compañero Fellow We are worker´s fellow
Dejar ir, dejar escapar, dejar libre Let off We let off to this criminal
Deber Owe You owed a lot of money, How did you do to pay that?
Falto de algo Lack off Lack off money makes me feel sad
Probable, posible Likely This year is likely you are here with me
Alentar Fomentar, Animar Encourage They encourage me when I need
Aterrizar/Quedar, conseguir Land I am Landing here/ His comments landed him in court.
Evitar Avoid We need to avoid the war
Comportarse Behave If you behave wrong in the business, then you can go to other company
Debilitar, reducir Undercut He undercut the wallet´s price, now this wallet is in my budget
Ser capaz Be able I am be able to jump that wall
Permanecer Remain I remain in my house for a long time
Fijar precios Setting price Stores are setting price, because it is christmas
Acontecimiento Suceso Importante Milestone Here we find ourselves at a milestone on this journey.
Sin trabajo Jobless He has three years jobless
Ominoso Amenazador Preocupante Ominous Increased obesity among young people is an ominous problem.
Precariedad Inseguridad, inestabilidad Precariousness This can create a feeling of precariousness among employees.
Inmensa, abrumadora, gran. Overwhelming At first, the idea of caring for a child with special needs can be overwhelming.
Lucha, Batalla Struggle A victory in the struggle is the best
Largos períodos Long spells I took long spells waiting to buy a house
Empleo Employment The positive developments in the economic, employment and social sectors are mutually reinforcing.
Atrapado Caught He was caught by police
Desfavorable Disadvantageous There are many laws for workers and employers it is disadvantageous for companies.
Disponible, Vacante Available This job is available for you.
Garantizar Guarantee I need to guarantee my future with a good job
Líder Leader Let the child be the leader or teacher for the activit
Crear, construir Build As much of that as can happen is good, because eventually it will help build a excelent economy.
Más débil Weaker A child is weaker than he seem
Aumentar Soar Prices will soar this year
Tendencia Trends Fashion trends change rapidly
Esfuerzo de trabajo Workforce Only a small percentage of the workforce is employed in this company
Superficie Surface the surface is sufficient for an office
Pasantias Internship Any new graduate should do internships
Inestable Wobbly this business is wobbly, it is not good to invest in it
Etapa Escenario Stage this stage is wrong, we need a change
Investigacion de antecedentes Vetting The vetting indicates that the company is viable
Desesperado Desperate They are desperate, because they are jobless
Solicitante de empleo Job Seeker The job seeker is obliged to co-operate with the company.
Apretado, ajustado Tight This budget is tight for this year
Placer Pleasure It is pleasant when you live where you want
Cobrar, pedir. Charge They charged what they should , this work is complicated
Ausencia lack the absence of families without work generates more money to survive
Dirigir Lead the boss leads the company
Sugerir Suggests accountant suggests that this business need more time to be succesful
Pobreza Poverty In this country there is poverty, because the economy is wrong
Bienestar Welfare Families need social welfare
Problemas Issues In this company there is some issues with the administration, because the administrator is cheat
Hacia Toward this business is going toward ahead
Satisfactorio, cumplimiento Fulfilling I think I am fulfilling my duty
Amenazar Threater the boss threatens me to fire me
Desarrollar Develop we developed a program that would help make things easier
Oficios Trades the jobless can do any trade to get some money
En lugar de Rather I think we will go to Paris rather Toronto
Ganar, Ganancia Gain I this job I could gain 150$
Enfocado, Abordar approach we need to approach this issue with detail
Facilmente Readily This job is readily to get
Enfrentar Tackle Business continuity is also being tackled in a similar way.
Afrontar o lidiar con Grappling with the administrator should grappling with the employees
Perjudicial Harming smoking is harmful to your health
Mundial, Universal Worldwide The accounting laws are worldwide
Urgido, instado Urged This people is urged to work
Negligente, flojo Lax this employee is lax, it is best to leave him
Contratar Hire the assistant is responsible for hiring employees
Despedir Fire the boss fired us all to reduce staff
Negociacion Bargaining the bargainging is underway
Ingresos Income Income reached this year to buy a car
Inexplorado Uncharted the universe is uncharted by mankind
Mayor, Más Promover, fomentar Further this month hope to have a further income
Efectuar, Cumplir, Realizar Carry out In Venezuela the Company which carry out alcoholic beverages is known Empresas Polar
Lidiar Enfrentar, Hacerse cargo, Tratar con Deal with I have to deal with this child because he is my brother.
Deberes Duties My duties in the job are coordination of technical support staff, preparing publicity material
Unión, enlace Liaison Employees need liaison more with the boss
Speakers Oradores This company has excellent speakers
Personal, Equipo, Elenco Staff Mcdonald´s has certified staff
Detallista Eye for detail You need a person who has eye for details
Teclear, Typing I am the ability to typing very fast
Ayuda para seguir estudiando Assistance to Study This company you have many advantages, one of them is the assistance to study.
Reparto de beneficios Profit Sharing Companie´s profit-sharing systems are the concern of companies and their employees
Arreglo, acuerdo Arrangements We have a arrangement concerning to the wage
Asegurar, Garantizar Ensure They ensure us a sure increase next year
Atentamente Yours faithfully (Formal) Yours sincerely (SemiForrmal) Regard (Informal)
Jerga Jargon the latin jargon is so complicated
Encuesta Survey We need to do surveys to gather information for this investigation
Adaptado Tailored This computer is tailored to disabled people
Logro Accomplishments I have many accomplishments respect to my prefession
Lagunas, Brechas, Vacíos Gaps You have to go to the doctor, because you have many mental gaps all the time
Mientras Whereas I am so happy whereas you are by my side
Adjunto en físico Enclosed My CV is enclosed
Adjunto en correo Attach My CV is attach
Darle sentido a algo, (Ponerle guiso a la sopa) Put flesh on the bare bones When you write a letter you need to put flesh on the bare bones, because who read it have to understand what do you want to said
Idoneidad, aptitud, adecuación Suitability their suitability to adopt should be questioned.
Liderazgo Leader ship Today result fundamental to have a style of leader ship, to be adapted to the situation of each business.
Interminable Long winded This movie is so bored, It is long winded
Diseño Layout The layout of your surveys should be according to your own ideas
En lugar de Instead I ate Arepa instead sandwich
Ajustar Fit We need to fit in with this people
A quien pueda interesarle To whom it my concern
Reconocimiento Acknowledgement When I will finish my studies, I want to receive acknowledgements for everything that I will do
Valor (Vale la pena) Worth I think it worth to hope for you
Puntos Fuertes, fortalezas, ventajas Strengths This companie has many strengths to open in others places
Postularse Applying I am applying for this job because I am proactive and interesting person
Gritar Shout Don´t shout me, I don´t like this
Incidir, impulsar, inducir, provocar Prompt You prompt me, to damage this job
Abogado Solicitor He is a bad solicitor, He didn´t help me
Totalmente Wholly This city is wholly contaminate to rubbish
Confiado Trusting If we insist on trusting in our own resources, we will fail
Halcón Hawk
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