Erstellt von hannah ruskin
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Other than improvements in hygiene, give two reasons for the low death rate from infectious diseases in modern hospitals. | better knowledge of immunity better / new drugs sterilisation of equipment or isolation of patients or some infectious diseases wiped out or earlier identification / treatment of infections |
Describe how living things are involved in the constant cycling of carbon. | green plants photosynthesise photosynthesis takes in carbon dioxide plants use carbon to make carbohydrate / protein / fat / organic compounds / named enzymes / cellulose animals eat plants and other animals plants and animals respire respiration releases carbon dioxide plants and animals die microorganisms decay / decompose / feed on dead organisms microorganisms respire  |
What is meant by metabolic rate? | rate of chemical reactions in the body |
Metabolic rate is affected by the amount of activity a person does. Give two other factors that may affect a person’s metabolic rate. | inheritance / genetics proportion of muscle to fat or body mass age / growth rate gender |
Name one plant hormone. | auxin |
Give the main features of asexual reproduction. | no fusion of gametes only one parent no mixing of genetic material no genetic variation or genetically identical offspring |
Suggest one advantage of using tissue culture and not using cuttings to produce plants. | more plants produced from one parent plant |
What is a drug? | substance that affects body chemistry / chemical reactions in the body |
Describe the pathway taken by the nerve impulse in the blink reflex. | From light-sensitive cell to connecting neurone to sensory neurone. Sensory neurone to brain / CNS Brain / CNS to motor neurone Motor neurone to eyelid muscle |
Describe how natural selection could result in modern swordfish with long swords developing from ancestors with short swords. | Variation of sword lengths in ancestors Those with long swords get more food swordfish (with long swords) survive and breed (survivors) pass on gene(s) / allele(s) (for long sword) |
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