computer hardware


Flash Card revision resource.
Karteikarten von NATHAN COUSINS, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von NATHAN COUSINS vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the mnemonic phrase used to remember different memory sizes? Big Naughty Boys Kicked My Grandma Twice.
A byte is equivalent to how many bits? 8
what is cache? Cache is a quick form of RAM which saves recent instructions.
why is cache faster than RAM? Cache is faster than RAM because cache is closer to the cpu than RAM.
How many gigabytes are in a terabyte? 1024
What is hardware? Hardware is the physical parts of the system
What is ROM ? read only memory
what is RAM? random access memory
what does quad core processor mean? 4 processors
what does 1GH2 mean 1 billion instructions carried out per second
what is clock speed? The rate at which instructions are carried out.
what does CPU stand for? Central Processing unit
is secondary storage a type of volatile memory? no
what is HDD? Hard Disk Drive
does SSD have a fast read speed? yes
what is SSD? solid sate drive?
what is the smallest type of storage? BIT
what is the name given to a fast form of RAM ? Static RAM
What does BIOS stand for? Basic input /output system
Is a speaker an output device? yes
would HDD work in a ipad and why? no , because HDD is fragile and once scratched it wont work.
Is touchscreen an output ? No
Is ssd robust and light or weak and heavy? Robust and light.
How many transistors does static RAM have? 6-8
What does CD stand for? Central Disk
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