Sociology Final


intro to soc final flash cards
laura russo
Karteikarten von laura russo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
laura russo
Erstellt von laura russo vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Sociology study of behavioral science, social inequality
Trends related to social inequality in the US 1950s-70s: inequality, but as economy increased, wealth increased 70s: economy increased, only top 1% increased (unprecedented)
Why is social inequality happening? globalization, technology, political economy
Globalization introduction of market economies instead of industries being owned by government, increased competition with other countries
Political economy political decisions being made, priorities are being established capital labor dichotomy - $ going to people on top bc policies favor them
Technology automation - more and more jobs are becoming automated and don't need people increases profits, decreases jobs
Effects of inequality life expectancy - example white working males life expectancy is decreasing due to suicide, drugs, and alcohol
Trend of $ inequality most people are stuck, only top 1% is increasing, productivity is increasing while wages are static
populism hold political leaders as responsible for distribution of wealth
Social Class - Subjective refers to things like lifestyles, ideas (everyone says they're middle class) independent of reality, idea that there are cultural differences
Social Class- Relational socioeconomic status - relationship to society life status and opportunity depend on each other
Ascribed status status assigned at birth
Ideology ideas that help stabilize structure of inequality, change of mobility legitimizes structure
Social Capital social relationships, who you know, networks = advantages
Cultural Capital cultures that exist at working class are different than middle class, etc based just on cultural characteristics - can be seen lacking intelligence, inferior
meritocracy people are where they are in life due to individual merit
Red-Lining gov pushed idea of home ownership, different areas had different colors, zero % to do with security, 100% race - created concentration of groups of various neighborhoods by race (1964)
Race physical attributes a social construct - no biological attributes long history of saying there are bio attributes explains inequality became concept post-enlightenment as an attempt to legitimize inequality
Eugenics the "science" of race, society needs to separate inferior from superior to avoid "mixing" notion that there are "pure" races
Ethinicity cultural attributes
Ethnicity Gains have been gains, but gaps between different ethnicitys remains the same
Majority vs Minority arranges society in a way for majority to keep their status - majority feels threatened, use power to adjust society to secure status - requires some kind of demonistion of minority group
Institutional discrimination not necessarily intentional, built into way institution operates
Pay Gap depends on degree and type of job, but when comparing same exact job, gap is smaller but still there
Cause of inequality culture not nature
glass ceiling institutional discrimination, not necessarily intentional - with gender
Instrumental males - bias towards this
Expressive females
Education more education = more opportunity
public education funded through local property taxes - more affluent = better school system, quality varies
social institutions structured patterns of behavior designed to address fundamental social needs
List of core institutions (necessary for any society to survive) family, education, religion, economy, government and politics
structure HOW --- how various societies go about following core institutions
function WHAT --- is needed, what each institution does, same in every society
Economy organized consumption, distribution of basic needs
Capitalism first "modern" economic system private ownership, free markets, economic freedom, means of production - ownership falls to specific individuals to contribute to individual wealth problem:inequality, tends toward monopolies
Socialism state ownership, the collective good, planned markets owned by state, economic equality problems: not enough models to look to
Government and Politics gov provides order, assures security authority needed for government to work = consent (legitimizes organization)
Democracy system that functions essentially from the bottom - up. "we the people"
Democracy in theory people govern themselves, "the state vs ___", the public sphere - exists outside of state. example, the will of people choose income tax through voting or public opinion
Problems with democracy very low voter turnout, laws often become will of certain people and therefore distorted, political alienation (sense of disconnection) political apathy (feel as though votes don't matter)
Authority: Rational - Legal system of government set up around the rule of law and equal protection under the law based on abstract laws and principles ruler has to follow laws as well laws applied equally
Authority - Traditional rooted in traditional beliefs doesn't occur to people to question authority ie: divine rights
Special Interest Groups set up PAC (political action committee) and pool resources ($) to go to representatives and lobby rely on $ - donations to "convince" representative to vote a certain way
Public Opinion will of people may be different than will of special interest groups - PACs spend $ on trying to influence public to change opinion
PACs and Propaganda use to shape the public opinion so it's "safer" for representative to vote the way PACs want them to
demagogue comes around when public is frustrated and angry, says they will fix everything through sheer force (impossible) ie donald trump
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