Carl Rogers


Person-Centered Personality Psychology
Karteikarten von carlyreier, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von carlyreier vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Actualizing Tendency the driving force in everyone's life (motivation)
Organismic Valuing Process experiences that satisfy the actualizing tendency make the person feel better about themselves
Phenomenological Reality how people interpret things is the only reality
Emergence of the Self a person can reflect on himself as a distinct object of which he is aware. emerges as a child.
Conditions of Worth develop when unconditional positive regard is not present
Incongruency exists when people no longer use their organismic valuing process, actions become incongruent with actualizing tendency
Real self v. ideal self who you are and how you act, how you wish you were in an ideal setting
Q-sort Technique choose statements that describe them from 100 cards; identifies self and ideal self
criticisms refused to credit theorists that influenced his theory, simplistic approach, important parts of personality ignored or denied
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