Professional Practice


Karteikarten am Professional Practice, erstellt von Liam Beckwith4898 am 19/12/2015.
Liam Beckwith4898
Karteikarten von Liam Beckwith4898, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Liam Beckwith4898
Erstellt von Liam Beckwith4898 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Consequentialism An action is judged to be good or bad depending on its consequences. Actions with good results are moral actions. Good results = happiness Bad results = pain
Utilitarianism A consequentialist philosophy. The right action is the one that maximises general happiness. i.e. Brings about the greatest amount of pleasure or least amount of pain.
Utilitarian Calculus How much happiness generated as a result of the consequences. How much pain caused as a result of the consequences. h - p = Ethically Sound or Unsound?
Problems with Utilitarianism Happiness/Pleasure cannot be quantified. Morals are not applied i.e. does a murderer's happiness count? "Socrates happiness is more valuable than a fool" (John Stuart Mill)
Hedonism The pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgance. The only thing that is good in itself is pleasure or happiness. Usually rejected as pleasure and pain are sensations we feel.
Egoism An ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of morality. Focus only on how the various possible choices will affect individual interest. Does not consider the interests of others.
Deontology Duty-based ethics. Concerned with intentions, not consequences. Can't justify an action just because it had good consequences.
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