Chapter 5


French 201 Karteikarten am Chapter 5, erstellt von bmp8 am 09/12/2013.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
conseiller to advise
distribuer to distribute
s'habituer (a) to get used to
se moquer de to make fun of
paraitre to appear
traiter to treat, deal with
se tromper to make a mistake
les actualites (f) news
un article de fond feature article
des conseils (m) advice
la droite political right wing
une enquete investigation
un entretien interview
un evenement event
un exemplaire copy
les faits divers (m) new items
la gauche political left wing
un hebdomadaire weekly newspaper/magazine
les informations (f) news
une interview interview
un journal newspaper
un kiosque newspaper/magazine stand
un lecteur reader
la lecture reading
un magazine magazine
la mjorite (political) majority
les medias (m) media
un mensuel month newspaper/magazine
un podcast (une baladodiffusion) podcast
un porte-parole spokesperson
le pouvoir power
la presse the press
un quotidien daily newspaper
la redaction editorical staff
un reportage report
une revue (literary, scientific) magazine
une rubrique newspaper heading
a la une in the headlines, on the front page
arrete definite
branche with it
en direct live
imprime printed
politise having a political slant
Imparfait endings ais ais ait ions iez aient
One Verb Irregular in the Imparfait Etre Et = stem
Uses of the Imparfait Settings, Habitual Actions, States or Conditions
Verbs indicating possible state or condition - use imparfait avoir, aimer, croire, detester, preferer, desirer, penser, vouloir
Expressions indicating habitual action (imparfait) d'habitude, frequemment, habituellement, souvent, toujours, tous les jours
Imparfait Idiomatic Expressions Si j'avais... (if only i had)
Imparfait Idiomatic Expressions si vous pouviez (if only you could)
Imparfait Idiomatic Expressions si nous allions (what if we were...)
Imparfait Idiomatic Expressions si on prenait (shall we have)
Imparfait & venir de ven = stem il venait de parti (he had just left)
Plus-que-parfait (2 parts) 1. avoir OR etre (in imparfait) 2. Past Participle in Passe Compose
Plus-que-parfait past of the past.. i had been out of school for five years (PP)... when we met (PC)
What does it mean if you put "le" in front of a day of the week? implies that you are referring to EVERYDAY - every friday I work
Negative Passe Compose ne pas surrounds the conjugated auxillary verb - je n'ai pas parle
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