CAD Commands


Higher Graphics (CAD) Karteikarten am CAD Commands, erstellt von Meg McAteer am 15/01/2016.
Meg McAteer
Karteikarten von Meg McAteer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Meg McAteer
Erstellt von Meg McAteer vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Extrude The term used when a 2D profile is pulled into a 3D shape. The term 'Add' or 'Subtract' must be used to describe the function of the extrude.
Revolve A profile that is rotated around an axis.
Subtract Used in conjunction with features to describe material being removed from a 3D model.
Assembly Multiple components combined to create a model.
Fillet A rounded edge applied to a corner. Can be applied in either the sketch or as a stand-alone feature.
Chamfer A straight edge applied to a corner. Can be applied in either the sketch or as a stand-alone feature.
Shell Used to remove material from the inside of a 3D model to a specifed wall thickness. It can also be used to remove a face.
Materials Apply a material to a CAD model. This can be used for illustration or to conduct a CAD simulation or test.
Align To align the face of a 3D model with another face.
Centre Axis To align cylindrical objects, circular edges or circular faces.
Component A single component part, used to create an assembly later on.
Mate To join the face of a 3D model to another face.
CAD Library A directory of commonly used parts.
Sketch The name given to the CAD drawing feature used to create a profile.
Constraint Dimension tool used to lock 2D geometry to a particular shape, size or position.
Add Used in conjunction with features to describe an addition to the 3D model.
Profile The name given to a 2D shape, prior to being used to make a 3D feature.
Radial Array An item repeated in a circle with regular spacing.
Workplane A surface where sketches can be applied. Most CAD packages will provide three (elevation, end elevation and plan), but more can be added by the user.
Array A method of repeating a shape along a line, in a box or round a circle.
Projected Edge To select an edge from a CAD model or feature and generate it as a new line in a sketch.
Fixed To hold a 3D CAD model in a fixed point, without applying any constraints. Usually applied to the first component in an assembly.
Vertices The ‘corners’ or where edges meet on a 3D object.
Edge The edges of a 3D object.
Faces The face of a 3D object.
Loft A command where two or more profiles on workplanes that are spaced apart, are joined to create a 3D feature.
Irregular Fillet A rounding of an edge, where the radius will change.
Linear Array An item repeated along an edge, with regular spacing.
Box Array An item repeated in a square or rectangle, with regular spacing.
Irregular Chamfer The removal of an edge by a cut, where the distance changes along the length of the edge.
Helix A profile that revolves around an axis, but has an offset or pitch’ distance. Often used to model threads, screws or springs.
Extrude Along A Path A profile that has been extruded by following a set route or ‘path’.
Intersect Two 3D CAD features that pass through one another, with the result that only the area that the two touch remains. Everything else is deleted.
Light Source The source of light to illuminate a 3D CAD model and scene.
Reflection A reflection in material, colour or light on the 3D CAD model or in the scene.
Bottom Up Modelling Bottom up modelling is when parts are modelled then inserted and fixed in relation to other components in an assembly using mates.
Top Down Modelling Top down design is an option to create new parts within assembly. Constraints are the existing geometry elements from other parts within assembly: lines, planes, surfaces, points, vertices.
Axis An axis represents a line travelling in a direction. Typically these are X, Y and Z but can be combinations.
Datum A key point in which dimensions, sizes and other details are taken from.
Sub Assembly An assembly of components that is added to another, larger assembly.
Suppress To turn a feature or command off within the modelling tree.
Solid Model An object that can be viewed from any angle, geometry created within 3D space.
Wire Frame A method of presenting a 3D CAD model, showing only the edges. Faces are transparent.
Modelling Tree The linear hierarchy of how a 3D CAD model is created or assembled.
Sited Environment An environment that represents how the 3D CAD model would look in a realistic environment.
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