

Karteikarten am Counter-Reformation, erstellt von Salliver Colegio am 17/01/2016.
Salliver Colegio
Karteikarten von Salliver Colegio, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Salliver Colegio
Erstellt von Salliver Colegio vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Basing on Luther´s ideas, some other Protestan churches appeared in Europe. True
What did the protestant churches have in common? Individual reading of the Bible. Rejection to the Pope´s authority.
Who did support Luther´s doctrines? German princes and nobles, seeking to strengthen their authority again the emperor and the Pope.
Who set on the Calvinism and where did it start? John Calvin started Calvinism in Switzerland.
What different names were given to the calvinists in France and England? Huguenots in France Puritans in England
What was calvinism based on? Predestination
Calvinists agreed that success in business was a sign of predestination. True
What did cause the beginning of anglicanism? King Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. When the Pope refuse to do that, the King broke relations with the catholic Church.
The Act of Supremacy was declared in 1501 False
The Act of Supremacy appointed the King as the head of the anglican Church. True
The anglican Church retained some Catholic dogmas and rites. True
Counter-Reformation Reform of the catholic Church, started by the catholic authorities, to stop the Protestantism
Council of Trent 1545-1563 Meeting where the Pope Paul III and the catholic kings met to set on the Counter-Reformation
Religious orders They assisted on the spreading of the Counter-Reformation. The company of Jesus was the most important.
Roman Inquisition Created in 1542, it was the court responsible for the punishement of those who did not obey the catholic law.
Auto-da-fé Public trial where the suspected of heresy were convicted and condemned.
Index Librorum Prohibitorum A list of books forbidden by the catholic church because they were opposed to the catholic faith
Wars of religion Between protestants and catholics, caused by the religious division.
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