GCSE English 2017 Flashcards


Karteikarten am GCSE English 2017 Flashcards, erstellt von sherice d am 17/01/2016.
sherice d
Karteikarten von sherice d, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
sherice d
Erstellt von sherice d vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Allegory saying one thing but meaning another.
Alliteration the repetition of the same consonants at the start of the word-E.G,Smiley Shirley
Assonance the repetition of vowel sounds in neighboring syllables.
Dialect a form of language with its own terminology,grammar and pronunciation-often regional or ethic.
Diction the choice of words in a literary text,also sometimes called lexis or vocabulary.
Imagery the use of descriptive language that draws a mental picture or conveys a sensation,often using comparison to describe something through metaphor,simile or personification.
Irony language that says one thing but means another-EG ,saying 'isn't it a lovely day'when its raining.
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