Erstellt von Amy Benenson
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Biological adaptations to physical stressors | Bergmann's and Allen's Rule, Vasoconstriction, Vasodilation, Natural Selection |
Cultural adaptations to physical stressors | learned techniques and skills, shared |
Behavioral adaptations to physical stressors | adaptive/mladaptive, quickly employed, reversible |
Limiting factors: density dependent | size and range, influenced by the # of individuals in the pop (ie): food, water, space |
Limiting factors: density independent | pop size irrelevant-range ==> climate, physical geography |
phenotypic plasticity | a trait that will change when removed from the certain surrounding environment (ie): color change based on season |
developmental adaptations | permanent, occur in early childhood, anatomical/physiological changes (ie): binding and wrapping of Chinese woman's feet, corsets altering body shape, |
Metabolism Active vs Basal | active: exercising/moving basal: resting |
Radiation | the obj that is hotter gives heat to the colder obj, heat (electromagnetic energy) exchange between objs w/in sight, gain or loss |
conduction | heat (energy) exchange via direct contact, gain or loss |
convection | heat (energy) exchange between an obj and a fluid and/or gas, gain or loss |
Evaporation | heat loss - sweating |
Biological adaptations to cold | insulation, metabolic adjustments |
Insulation | even distribution of subcutaneous fat, blood flow to the core- vasoconstriction, body size and shape = stocky, high BM, short limbs |
adjusments | shivering - increased active metabolism |
Non-shivering | BAT - brain releases norepinephrine --> stimulated BAT activity - heat inside the body |
Andeans | more efficient at transporting O2, chest dimensions of high alt children are larger @ all ages compared to low alt children, "barrel-chested", greater conc of RBCs and reduced ventilation compared to lowlanders |
Tibetans | increased rate, lower RBCs than Andeans, high vent rate - less efficient- higher rate |
organ systems are least affected by PCM | CNS and reproductive systems |
Vit A | beta-carotene - carrots, liver disease, agriculturalists |
Vit B | B1 (thiamine) helps breakdown carbs into glucose - milled rice, neuro disease: beriberi pops suffer from this, Thiamine is only high in outer layer of unmilled rice, decrease in NTs and neuron myelination |
B3 (niacin) | manufactured from tryptophan, maize staple --> those who rely on corn suffer the most, pellagra - high in S. American |
Vit D | sunlight activates it, calitriol (active), absorb- dietary calcium, tropical and subtropical pops, RICKETS - children, OSTEOMALACIA- ELDERS |
High frequency of lactose intolerance | N. European pop, African/Asian nomadic, pastoral(herders) pop middle east, NOT CHINA |
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