Unit 1&2: Definitions


Physics Karteikarten am Unit 1&2: Definitions, erstellt von cmbj am 11/04/2013.
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Resistance of a parallel circuit 1/R(t)=1/R(1) + 1/R(2)
Kirchhoff's second law In any closed loop in a circuit the sum of the E.M.F = sum of the P.D.
Wavelength (Lambda) (m) The smallest distance between 2 points that have the same pattern of oscillation.
Period (T) (s) The time taken to complete one pattern of oscillation
Frequency (f) (Hz) Number of oscillations per unit time at any point
Displacement (x) (m) The distance any part of the wave has moved from its mean position
Amplitude (x) (m) The maximum displacement
Absorption spectra A spectrum of dark lines across the pattern of spectral colours colours produced when light passes through a gas and the gas absorbs certain frequencies.
Acceleration of Freefall 9.81 ms-1
Ammeter a component to measure electric current
Mean Electron Drift Average velocity that the electrons travel down the material
Charge Current* Time (C)
1 Coulomb Total charge supplied by a current of one ampere in a time of one second (C)
Kirchhoff's First law The sum of the currents entering a junction = sum of current leaving the junction
Electromotive Force (E.M.F.) The energy transferred per unit charge when one other type of energy is converted into electrical energy (V)
Potential Difference (P.D.) The electrical energy transferred per unit charge when electrical energy is converted into another form of energy
Ohms Law Current is proportional to the P.D provided physical conditions remain constant
Resistivity (P) P=RA/L
Kilowatt-hour (kWh) 1000 Watts for 3600 seconds = 3.6x10(6)
Resistance of a Series circuit R(t)= R(1)+R(2)
Kinetic Energy Work an object can do by virtue of speed
Power The rate of doing work (W)
1 Watt 1 joule per second (Js-1, W)
Stress Force per unit cross sectional area (Nm-2, Pa)
Strain Extension per unit length (No Unit)
Couple Pair of equal and parallel but opposite forces. Tends to produce rotation
Moment of a Force Force * Perpendicular Distance from a stated point. (Nm)
Density Mass per unit volume (Kgm-3)
Pressure Force per unit area (Nm-2, Pa)
Joule Work done when a force of 1 N moves its point of application 1 m in the direction of the force (J)
Energy The stored ability to do work (J)
Conservation of Energy Where energy may be transferred from one form to another but cannot be created or destroyed
Gravitational Potential Energy The energy stored in an object by virtue of its position in a gravitational field. (J)
Speed Distance per unit time (ms-1)
Displacement Distance moved in a stated direction (m)
Velocity Displacement per unit Time (ms-1)
Instantaneous Speed Speed at an instant in time (ms-1)
Acceleration Rate of change of velocity (ms-2)
One Newton The force that causes one Kg to have an acceleration of 1ms-1 (Kgms-1, N)
Weight Gravitational force on a body (N)
Scalar Quantity A quantity with just a magnitude
Vector Quantity A quantity with both magnitude and direction
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