Chapter 2


ICT (Chapter 2) Karteikarten am Chapter 2, erstellt von ebanks.amber am 11/04/2013.
Karteikarten von ebanks.amber, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ebanks.amber vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Explain how operating software works? -software that controls the allocation and use of hardware resources, such as memory -it performs basic data management tasks such as recognising input from the keyboard, sending output and keeping track of files on the hard disk -it is the core software on which programs depend
Explain the purpose of the user interface? the means by which the user can interact with an application or operating system -there are different types of user interface -often said to be the GUI and the WIMP interface
What are the different types of user interface? -menu:an on-screen list of options -form:an on-screen form on which to type data -command line:a space to type instructions -natural language:a voice-based interface
What is a GUI? -a graphical user interface -an interface that is based on graphics and pictures rather than text
What is a WIMP? -Windows/Icons/Mouse/Pointer interface -A type of GUI
What is a utility? A small program that assists in the monitoring and maintaining of the computer system e.g. printer monitoring software/virus checkers
What is application software? Programs that allow the computer to be used to solve particular problems and perform particular tasks for the end user e.g. word processors/databases/communications
What is a command-based user interface? -The user types instructions at a command prompt to control what the computer does -you need a good knowledge of the command and the effect -often allow instructions to; output a directory listing/show the difference between two lines/display environment variable -used by expert users -takes up less memory than a GUI
What is a form user interface? -a form is a limited area on screen with boxes to fill in -has labels to help the user -may have option buttons -guides the user through typing relevant information in a structured manner
What is an option button? Allows a single choice from a limited set of mutually exclusive choices can be used to select once of a range of sizes, such as small, medium and large
What is a spinner? A set of two arrows, one pointing up and the other pointing down used to increase or decrease a value by a predetermined amount
What is a menus interface? -a series of related items that can be selected -usually structured -can also be context sensitive -either pop up or pull down -can use a GUI or be text-based they are part of a WIMP interface
What is a natural language user interface? -allow the users to use their own language to communicate with the computer -the two main types are: spoken and written -spoken interfaces are typified by voice recognition software -they will allow users of all abilities to access computers
How does a screen reader work to help the physically disabled? It is a piece of software that reads out a computer display it can read out text that appears in dialogue boxes, menus, icons and text-editing windows
What software programs can be used to help the physically disabled? screen reader/text-to-speech system/speech-to-text system/auditory feedback system/screen magnifier/predictive text/stickykeys
Who does a speech-to-text system work to help the physically disabled? takes spoken word and inputs them into the computer, where they are used to run commands or they can be converted to text in a word processor
How does auditory feedback system work to help the physically disabled? Plays a sound in response to user activity Useful as it confirms actions
How does a screen magnifier help the visually impaired? Is a utility than can zoom in on portions of the screen to make it easier to view information on computer monitors
How does predictive text help the visually impaired? suggests the required word as the letters are typed so the user does not have to type the whole word
How to sticky keys help the physically disabled? allow keys to be pressed once and the system to act as if it was being held down useful for people who find it difficult to hold down more than one key at a time
What is software? a computer program that provides the instructions enabling the computer hardware to work
What are the different types of software? operating software/user interface/utility/application software
What is the purpose of output devices? To display the result of processing to the user
What is a monitor? A device that takes signals from a computer and displays them on a screen
What is a printer: A device that produces hard copy outputs the different types are: dot matrix/inkjet/laser
What are dot matrix printers: Impact printers meaning there is physical contact between the print head and the paper through an inked ribbon The advantage is that they print on carbon forms
What are inkjet printers: They spray ink onto the paper the advantages are:they are relatively quiet/relatively cheap
What are laser printers? High resolution non-impact printers the advantages are: reliability/excellent quality The disadvantage is high running costs
What is a plotter: a mechanical device which produces printout using vector or coordinate graphics they are used to draw accurate line diagrams, such as maps and buildings
What are storage devices? Devices which hold data and programs they are non-volatile (they keep the stored data after the computer has been switched off)
Describe and give uses of a hard disk? -A plate with a surface that can be magnetised in order to hold data -they can be internal or removable -often used as external back-ups
Describe and give uses of a CD-ROM: -Have a storage capacity of around 700mb -A CD-R, once data has been written on them is fixed and cannot be removed -CD-RW's can be written to, erased and rewritten many times
Describe and give uses of a DVD: Has a stroage capacity of 4.7gb is available in recordable and rewritable forms
Describe and give uses of a tape drive: Use tape cassettes to store dataand have a high storage capacity They are used to back up large amounts of data
Describe and give uses of a memory stick: They have a large storage capacity and come in a variety of formats
What are hardware devices that can assist the visually impaired with inputting? -A braille Keyboard (braille dots on the keys) -A microphone (used with voice recognition software)
What are hardware devices that can assist the visually impaired with outputting ? -A loudspeaker (used for hearing signals and to read out text) -A braille printer (An impact printer that can create braille on a page)
What are examples of hardware devices that help the motor impaired? A mouth-stick/a puff-suck switch/a tongue activated joystick/an eye-typer/a foot mouse
What is a mouth-stick? A stick to control input with the mouth
What is a puff-suck switch? A tube placed in the mouth and blown/sucked through
What is an eye-typer? A device that fits onto the muscles around the eye and when the eye is moved a pointer on the screen moves
What is a concept keyboard? -A sheet that goes over a flat pad and you can create your own individual keys - they are good in situations where language is a problem
What is a keyboard? A set of keys that are used to input data and control commands to the computer
What is a mouse? A pointing device that can be used to select items on a screen The movement is either sensed by a ball on rolllers or an optical sensor
What does a scanner do? Translates information into a form the computer can use
What is a bar code scanner? Reads the bar codes and translates the bars into numbers
What is an Optical Mark Reader (OMR)? Detects the presence or absence of a mark in a predetermined area on a page and translates it into a value
What is a magnetic card reader? Takes the information on a magnetic stripe and converts it into usable data
What is a flatbed scanner? This digitises an image so that it can be processed later as a picture or, by using optical character recognition as editable text.
What is Magnetic Ink Character Recognition? This detects magnetic ink marks and turns them into numbers
What is a graphic tablet? A flat working area with a stylus, used to manipulate images on a screen and create free-hand drawings
What is a digitiser? Any device that converts analogue data to digital data
Describe the term hardware? -physical components that make up the computer mouse/keyboard
Describe the term software: The programming code that makes the computer work The two main types of software are system software and applications
Define the term standardisation: The imposition, by a third party, or with agreement, of a set of standards on manufacturers
What are the disadvantages of a lack of standardisation for hardware? - upgrades and parts are likely to be expensive as they have to come from specific sources -the supply may be limited which will affect the costs -technical support may be limited which may make it expensive
What are the disadvantages of a lack of standardisation for software? -web pages may not appear the same or as the designer intended on different web pages
What are the problems of a lack of stadardisation for takeovers? -there is likely to be incompatibilities with the computer systems -the different systems do not function with each other -new equipment will have to be purchased -staff will need retraining
What is an input device? A piece of hardware that gets data from outside the computer system into the computer system
What are keyboards good for inputting: small quantities of data
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