Humanities Midterm: Ancient Greece


Karteikarten am Humanities Midterm: Ancient Greece, erstellt von Emma Fireman am 20/12/2013.
Emma Fireman
Karteikarten von Emma Fireman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emma Fireman
Erstellt von Emma Fireman vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Bronze Age 3000bce-1250bc age of heros Greek legends originated beginning of Greek civilization
Minoans Came before Mycenaeans not ethnically Greek- greatly influenced Mycenaean Civilization Linear A-syllabic kept records
Mycenaeans burnt offerings to the gods had megarons used bronze armour Linear B-adopted by Linear A
Dark Age 1200bc-800bc impoverishment disorganization famine Monarchy
Archaic Period 800bc-480bc Greeks became Greek Greece became literate with invention of alphabet Greek tales into writing city-states
Classical Period 480bc-323bc world's first democracy Persians gained power myths=entertainment worshiped the gods Peloponnesian War Greeks defeated Persians
Peloponnesian War war fought between Athens and Sparta result: Sparta one
Hellenistic Period 323bc-31bc period after the death of Alexander the Great "Greek-like" age of philosophers
Why study the Greeks? -man is at the center- emphasized humanism -studied the Liberal Arts/created philosophy -4 tragedians- Euripides, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Herodotus -athletic completion (the Olympics) -created democracy -alphabet and language
Greek communication through Myths through art, science, literature, liberal arts
Greek god/goddesses characteristics -Greeks made gods look human-like (anthropomorphism) -made gods relatable through emotions gods were characterized by families
Moira do gods control my fate? gods intervening vs. free will
Hubris excessive pride/confidence
Nemesis divine retribution or revenge
Nostos yearning for home
Oikos Knostos for your oikos
Arête excellence in all areas
Time honor and glorious acts
Kleos legacy-having name live on
Xenia guest/host code hospitality
Sophrosyne moderation, balance, self control
Importance of swearing an oath keeping promise
Mythology early science and literature
Religion beliefs, practices of a person or group
Greek Miracle -man discovered their full potential -new birth of the world
Homer -Reign of Augustan -compendium (collection of concise but detailed information) of mythology
Homer -oldest Greek writer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey
Hesiod -Poor farmer -wrote "Works and Days" and "Theogony" -contemporary of Pindar
Pindar greatest lyric poet Greece -end of 6th century
Aeschylus -oldest of tragedians -wrote about the Persians -contemporary with Pindar
Aristophanes -great writer of comedy -5th-4th century
Herodotus -first historian of Greece -late 5th century -contemporary with Euripides and Plato
Virgil -didn't not believe in myths -contemporary of Ovid
What effects did Greece’s geography have on its development? (political) -governed in small regions -politically independent -city-states
What makes up a civilization? -social classes -economic provisions (surplus of food-Sumerians) -political organization -organized religion -density of population -pursuit of language and knowlege
What is culture? A WAY OF LIFE -religion -entertainment -changes in family -music -relationships -politics -media
Odyssey -written by Homer -relied on fable and folk tale more than the Iliad -Odysseus' journey back to Ithaca after the Trojan War
Iliad -written by Homer -focused on the events of the Trojan War
Epic Characteristics -story begins in medias res (middle) -story begins with an invocation to a muse (asking upon muse for help) -story begins with a statement -story has many epithets (nickname) -story has many long epic similies -story has many long formal speeches by characters -story has a vast setting -there will be a listing of someone or something the gods will intervene in human affairs (Moira) -there is a clear hero -there is a scene describing the hero -the hero will undergo a journey (hero's journey)
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