Erstellt von RachelBean
vor etwa 11 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Nuclear Family | two-generation family made of hetrosexual couple and children |
Household | a group of people living together who may or may not be related |
Family | a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. May be related by blood, birth, marriage or adoption |
sexual divisions of labour | division of paid and domestic work into men's and women's jobs |
Pre-industrial | before industrialisation |
ascription/ascribed status | allocation of roles and status on the bases of fixed characteristics e.g. gender/status being ascribed at birth |
achievement/ascribed status | allocation of roles and status based on individual achievement/earning your status rather than being given it at birth |
Industrialisation | main workforce changing from primary industry to secondary industries and mass movement from countryside into urban areas |
Geographically Mobile | Families being able to move around for work |
instrumental leader | male role; he is responsible for economic welfare of the family and protection of family members |
expressive leader | women's role; responsible for the socialisation of children and emotional care and support of family members |
ideological apparatus | according to Marxists, any institution that involves transmitting the ruling class ideas e.g. education |
Conservative 'ideology' | belief that in traditional ideas and institutions. They are suspicious of radical change |
extended kinship networks | relationships between family members beyond nuclear family e.g. aunts, uncles, grandparents |
mutual economic support | a system in which family members work to support each other |
social solidarity | feeling of belonging |
Symmetrical family | a nuclear family in which both spouses perform equally important roles |
Consensus | common agreement on shared values |
delinquency | crime committed by young people |
consumption | the ways in which individuals use goods and services |
Dysfunctional | having negative consequences |
Feminization of the Economy | an economic trend that began in the 1990s whereby the majority of newly available jobs were aimed at women |
Functional prerequisites | the basic needs of society such as the need for social order |
Patriarchal ideology | male-dominated ideas |
social control | process of persuading, encouraging and enforcing conformity |
subculture | subscribing to cultural values and norms that may be different from the mainstream |
Familial Ideology | the view that a particular type of family and particular living arrangements are the ideals that people aspire to e.g. marriage/women as mother/men as breadwinners |
Idealized | ideas presented as the ideal i.e. something perfect |
Maternal deprivation | the view that if a child is deprived of maternal love it will grow up to be psychologically damaged |
Private Institution | something that occurs 'behind closed doors' with few links with the wider community |
Close-knit community | community in which there are close relationships between people |
Divorce | legal ending of a marriage |
Divorce petition | legal request for a divorce |
Empty-shell marriage | a marriage in which the partners are no longer in love but stay together, usually for the children |
Irretrievable | A marriage unable to be recovered, broken down forever |
Monogamy | the practise of having only one partner |
Negative Labelling | treating something as being 'bad' or 'undesirable' |
Privatized nuclear family | a home-centred family that has little contact with extended kin or neighbours |
Reconstituted families | Step-families |
Scapegoated | unfairly blamed |
Serial monogamy | a series of long-term relationships |
Secularistaion | people losing belief in religion |
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