Failure of the League of Nations


gcse history- international relations Karteikarten am Failure of the League of Nations, erstellt von Ella Wolf am 14/04/2013.
Ella Wolf
Karteikarten von Ella Wolf, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ella Wolf
Erstellt von Ella Wolf vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Why did the league of nations fail at its job of being a peace-keeping organisation 1)membership 2)organisation 3)Britain and France 4)lack of military force
why was membership a problem? not all major powers were members of the league- sanctions ineffective japan left in 1933 Italy left in 1935 this fatally weakened the league
why was organisation a problem? meetings were not often enough descisions were made very slowly eg lord lytton enquiry
why were Britain and france a problem? -lacked the will to make it work -undermined the league
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