Unit 308 Careeer's Awareness Revision


C&G Level3 2365: Unit 308 Task A Revision OB
Oliver Balay
Karteikarten von Oliver Balay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Oliver Balay
Erstellt von Oliver Balay vor fast 9 Jahre

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Resources: (Career Planning) You can use the following resources to support career planning: Publications, internet, professional organisations, mentors, recruitment agencies, as well as educational support.
Work Experience Work experience is very beneficial as it allows the person to obtain a realistic idea and experience of a specific job, as well as different job roles within the same field of work. It also allows both the employer and the work experience person a better understanding of each other in the working environment.
Person Specification: (Career Planning) A person specification will detail a list of required skills, knowledge and experience to carry out a particular job role. This allows the applicant to match their own skills, knowledge, and experience against this criteria.
Contract Work Contractors provide agreed services to a client for an agreed fee, and possible duration. Organisations tend to hire employees on short or long term contracts, which can range from a few weeks to several years.
Sub-contractors Sub-contractors will undertake work provided by a contractor. The contractor is responsible for the work but will hire sub- contractors to carry out the work. For e.g. a building contractor may hire sub-contractors to complete the electrical wiring as part of a contractor's job.
Casual Labour Casual workers are often used to describe workers who are not part of the permanent workforce, but who supply services on an irregular or flexible basis, based on demand for work. Usually with a temporary employment contract, casual workers will have limited benefits and have little or no security of employment.
What is a Competent Person Scheme (CPS) ? Competent Person Schemes (CPS) were introduced by the Government to allow individuals and businesses to self-certify that their work complies with the Building Regulations. The idea with these schemes are to raise standards within the industry and allows consumers to identify competent installers in the following areas of building services: Electrical, Gas, Water (Cold and Hot), Air Conditioning, Environmental Technologies...
How to renew your membership of a Competent Person Scheme CPS? As a member of a Competent Person Scheme you will be subject to ongoing inspections of your work. You will need to complete an application to extend an existing competent scheme together with the required fees.
What are the consequences of NOT being part of a Competent Person Scheme in BSE? If you are not part of a Competent Persons Scheme you will need to notify building control (local authority) to inspect and assess the work, which will have an impact on time. The CPS person register allows consumers to identify and locate competent installers. http://www.competentperson.co.uk/
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