Explanations of Independent Behaviour


Psychology (Social Influence) Karteikarten am Explanations of Independent Behaviour, erstellt von smita089 am 14/04/2013.
Karteikarten von smita089, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von smita089 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is locus of control? It is an explanation of independent behaviour. Rotter 1966 - some people believe life events are within their control and some believe that they are generally beyond their control. Some people have high internal, in control, or high external, out of their control.
Explain why some people may resist conformity in terms of independent behaviour. Role of allies: Asch showed how the introduction of another dissident gave social support to an individual and caused conformity rates to drop. Allen & Levine - 3 conditions. 1 - supporter had poor vision (invalid support), 2 - supporter had normal vision, 3 - no supporter. Both conditions reduced conformity levels. Valid support had more impact.
Evaluate resisting conformity in terms of independent behaviour. Individual differences - Griskevicius et al - gender differences in mate seeking behaviour, women more likely to conform than men. Moral considerations - Cost of conforming was minor in Asch's study, if task involves a moral dimension there is less evidence of conformity as the cost incurred is greater.
Explain why some people may resist obedience in terms of independent behaviour. Status: status of authority figure is key in factor in obedience and its resistance. Proximity: being made aware of the effects of obedient actions and having social support makes it more likely the individual will resist pressure to obey.
Evaluate why some people may resist obedience in terms of independent behaviour. Individual differences - Less educated ppts less likely to resist. Roman Catholics more likely to obey than Protestants. Moral considerations - Kohlberg - Milgram's ppts who based decision on more advanced moral principles (e.g. importance of justice over social order) were more defiant.
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