Psychodynamic Approach


Psychology (Abnormality) Karteikarten am Psychodynamic Approach, erstellt von smita089 am 14/04/2013.
Karteikarten von smita089, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von smita089 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Explain the psychodynamic approach to abnormality. Unconscious Motivations: Underlying problems cannot be controlled until brought into conscious awareness. Early Experiences Cause Mental Disorder: Individual may re-experience the earlier trauma later in life, leading to depression. In childhood the ego is not developed enough to deal with traumas leading to repression of associated emotions. Mental Disorders Have Psychological Causes: Conflicts between the id, ego and superego create anxiety. Ego defences relieve anxiety.
Evaluate the psychodynamic approach to abnormality. Limitations: Abstract concepts - Id, ego and superego are hard to demostrate through research. unconscious, know way to know they are operating at all. Lack of research support - Fisher and Greenberg - 2500 experimental studies of Freudian hypotheses, many of Freud's major claims received support. -ve results used as support. Sexism - Freud's theory is sexually unbalanced. Limits the relevance of approach to understanding development of mental disorders for women.
What is the id? The irrational, primitive part of personality. Ruled by the pleasure principle.
What is the ego? The conscious, rational part of personality. Governed by the reality principle.
What is the superego? Embodies our conscience with ideas of right and wrong, as well as notions of the ideal self.
What are the ego-defence mechanisms? Repression - Moving unpleasant thoughts into the unconscious. Projection - Blaming someone else for something a child cannot deal with. Regression - Behaving like a child when faced with a difficult situation.
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