Bio 1M03


Bio Karteikarten am Bio 1M03, erstellt von kaitlynb8 am 15/04/2013.
Karteikarten von kaitlynb8, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kaitlynb8 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Homo erectus -Originated in China and Indonesia -Large face -Thick cranial walls -Sagittal keel -No sagittal crest -Used mode 1 technology
Homo heidelbergensis -Larger brains -High foreheads -Rounded occipital bones -Used mode 2 and 3 technology
Neanderthals -Faces bulge in middle -Large brow ridges -Rounded back of skull -Large cranial capacity -Robust and heavily muscled -Mode 3 technology -Wore clothes -Buried dead
Homo florensis -Three feet tall -Small brain cages Maybe descendant of H. erectus
Denisova Hominin -Sister species of Neanderthals but are a different lineage -genetic exchange between Denisova, Neanderthals, and AMH because they coexisted
Gibbons -Only southeast Asia -Monogamous
Orangutans -Only southeast Asia -Bimaturation: two types of reproduction -Juvenile male: covert copulation/rape -Flanged male: appropriate copulation, normal development
Gorillas -Africa -Assort groups into harems where one male controls many females -Infanticide
Chimps -Africa, north of Zaire river -Male dominated groups -Strong female-female bonds
Bonobos -Africa, south of Zaire river -Non-violent mating -Less hierarchal
Angiosperms -Covered seeds -More diverse
Gymnosperms -Naked seeds
Ardipithecus -Thick enamel -Shorter arms -Small brains -Upright posture -Less prognathism (flatter faces)
Ancestral features -Small molars -Thin enamel -Large canines -Large brow ridge -Small braincase
Derived features -Forward foramen magnum -Small canines -Prognathism
Australopithecus -Small bipeds -Small teeth
Hominin locomotion -Shorter trunk and legs -Long limbs -Nails instead of claws -Opposable thumbs -Loss of tails
Theories of Bipedalism -Solar radiation (less surface area towards the sun) -Hands free -Increased dependence of juveniles
Hominin hunting -Broad diet -Used tools -Shared food -Multi male and female groups
Distribution of food -Clustered is more likely to lead to conflict -Must be a balance between resource cost of group size and benefits of large group size defending a resource
Sexual selection in group size -Larger groups lead to more sexual selection by females -Males have an easier time monopolizing reproductive success of females due to limited movement
Complex Foraging -Collection -Extraction -Hunting: leads to food sharing, division of labour. Requires a long period of learning. Food flows between genders and ages
Mode 1 Tools -Hammer breaks off flakes from the main core rock
Mode 2 Tools Additional processing of flakes from working on both sides
Mode 3 Tools (Levallois) -Modification of the shape of core -Then breaking off a large and sharp flake
Homo eragaster -Originated in Europe, Africa, and Eurasia -Larger brain that previous hominins -No prognathism -Less sexual dimorphism -Long distance running -Used mode 2 technology
Cenozic Era (Age of Mammals) Mammals began to diversity
Mesozoic Era (age of reptiles) Dinosaurs dominated and the era ended with their extinction
Traits of Primate evolution -Binocular vision -Opposable thumbs -Prehensile (grasping) tails -Fingers instead of claws
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