Trussing a chicken for roasting


Karteikarten am Trussing a chicken for roasting, erstellt von paul monaghan am 01/03/2016.
paul monaghan
Karteikarten von paul monaghan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
paul monaghan
Erstellt von paul monaghan vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Needle and string Prior to roasting, whole birds can be secured using a trussing needle and string.
Why truss? The purpose is to maintain a good shape to the bird during cooking
Before trussing Before tying or trussing poultry, season the cavity, cut the tendons in the legs, and remove the wishbone to make carving easier
In and out the needle goes The needle can pass through the joints of the bird into the cavity, and out the opposite side, forming a `figure of 8` with the string.
and finally... When pulled tight and tied the bird will hold its shape with the breasts plumped up
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